To date, Apex have carried out many projects involving the remediation of asbestos contaminated soils and/or other types of contamination. We use our own infrastructure to execute these types of projects including our own plant, lorries, landfill sites and expert knowledge. We guarantee to utilise our in-house capabilities to ensure efficiency and delivery on site.
Apex pride themselves on having understanding of the client’s requirements in terms of planning conditions. One of our key areas of expertise borne out of the capabilities we have in-house, is to carefully analysis and work alongside the client to prepare reports in order to satisfy and discharge such planning conditions. All of our remediation projects are followed by a comprehensive report to summarise and clearly outline what has been achieved as part of our works.
Apex can provide services to clean up contamination via our network of treatment and disposal outlets or seek specialist onsite in-situ remedial techniques to meet a consultants remedial strategy. We can carry out excavation, tank removal and segregation of contaminated soils requiring remedial work via our in-house chemist scrutiny of the site investigation reports and outlined waste classification. We offer further sampling in accordance with a sampling plan to provide further comprehensive analysis where necessary, bespoke to the site needs and to achieve the most beneficial treatment and disposal option.